Dear fellow Rotarians,

In our Rotary calendar, we are reminded that August is Membership and Extension month. Although only the second month of the Rotary year, it is imperative that during this month we as Rotarians focus on retaining and attracting new members. Additional members gained early in the year can help propel our various clubs forward and upward toward success. 

One school of thought tells us that if we focus on keeping our club vitalized with service projects, inviting interesting speakers to address our various club meetings and assemblies, enjoying good fellowship at all our service projects and during our meetings, we are likely to find that together these efforts will be rewarded with an increase in membership satisfaction. Satisfied members are more likely to remain Rotarians and indeed will want to share this satisfaction with non-members. This will then make our club look attractive to Rotarians and non-Rotarians and we can exploit this attractiveness by inviting these non-Rotarians to our meetings.

In his August message, Rotary International President Sakuji Tanaka encourages us to share with others, reasons why we think that Rotary is a great organization. He encourages us to talk about our Rotary moment as a means of inspiring others.

I too, would like to echo that sentiment and thus I am imploring all Rotarians in our great District 7020 to let us join together and dispel the myth that Rotary is the best kept secret in the world. We can do this by passionately talking about our Aha moment - our Rotary moment. This is the moment when the mental light bulb switches on as we suddenly gain clarity on some aspect of our lives. We will be surprised to see the powerful and positive impact of our telling about our Rotary moment. This personal experience can be used to great effect to open doors and to build new friendships.

Yesterday I was having a corporate meeting with a colleague and I casually asked the person whether he had heard about Rotary and what his impression was. I was told that the impression of the Rotary organisation was very positive but he wondered why no one had ever invited him to become a member? I have now invited this individual to the next round of meetings to be held by clubs in our area.

The moral of the story is that there are many potential Rotarians just waiting to be invited to a meeting. Take the plunge! Invite a friend or colleague to your next meeting. Tell him or her why you became a Rotarian. Tell that person about the good things that we as Rotarians do on a daily basis. Explain about the great things that Rotarians are doing to ensure that polio is eradicated from the face of the earth. Share your personal moment and you may be surprised to find out that your club will have a new vital member within a month. Then do not forget to include your story, along with all your other membership-related activities, in your August Club Of The Month (COTM) report that your club will submit before September 5th.
