Thank You for Joining in Our Recovery Efforts
In response to the devastation caused by Category 5 Hurricane Irma throughout District 7020’s many islands, the District has set up a Disaster Recover Fund.
The fund will be managed by Rotary’s DNA-RAG Rotarian Action Group, a 501(c)3, in cooperation with District 7020’s Disaster Relief Committee.
To give online
To contribute please wire funds to:
Name of Account: Disaster Network of Assistance - Rotarian Action Group, Inc. dba “DNA-RAG”
Account #: 12 1682 8928
Swift Code: PNCCUS33
Physical address of Bank: PNC Bank, 9033 Glades Rd, Boca Raton, FL 33433
Contact: PDG Phil Lustig, Vice Chair, Tel: 1 561 212 6554 Email: phil.lustig3@gmail.com
Ensure payee instructions entered for: “District 7020 Hurricane Irma Fund”
For further information on District 7020 contact:
District 7020 Disaster Chair: Jacqueline Heyliger
Email: jjheyliger7020@hotmail.com Tel: +1 340 277 3201
Past District Governor Jeremy Hurst
Email: jeremyhurst7020@gmail.com Tel: +1 345 525 9900