Rotarians & Rotaractors, it’s time to finalize and submit your club’s December task: share your valuable feedback on how the Zones 33/34 Public Image Team has supported your efforts to enhance your public image. Let’s keep showcasing our commitment to Service Above Self by helping us improve and continue amplifying Rotary’s impact in 2025!
Happy Holidays from Rotary District 7020!

As we celebrate this magical season, we are reminded of the power of fellowship, generosity, and service. This year, our Rotary family across District 7020 has worked tirelessly to create lasting change in our communities—spreading hope, joy, and love to those who need it most.

Holiday Greetings from Vermont

To the Beautiful Rotarians of District 7020,

From the snowy hills of Vermont, I send you warm wishes for the most beautiful Christmas. While some of us may dream of a white Christmas, let me share this truth from where I stand: there is nothing more beautiful than the radiant sun that lights up our lives across each of our islands.

Défiler vers le bas pour la version française
Dear Rotarians,
We are very pleased to send you both the English and French versions of the District 7020 newsletter for the month of November 2024.

Défiler vers le bas pour la version française


“We should not live for ourselves alone, but for the joy in doing good for others.”

 Arch Klumph, founder of The Rotary Foundation 


The fight to end polio took center stage at the Pittsburgh Summit for Zones 33/34, as over 400 dedicated leaders from across the Rotary world marched in unity. District 7020 was represented with pride as DG Dominique Bazin and DGN Lindsey Cancino had the honor of carrying the torch, symbolizing our unwavering commitment to a polio-free world. 
🌟 Announcing the September Monthly Club Challenge Winners! 🌟
A huge thank you to all the clubs that submitted projects for the September challenge! The District is proud to recognize the incredible commitment demonstrated in planning and executing impactful initiatives around the theme “Conduct a Basic Education or Reading/Literacy Event.”
District 7020 is excited to announce our participation in the Zones 33/34 World Polio Day 2024 fundraising challenge, and we invite all clubs and members to join us in this important initiative!
D7020 Conference
D7020 on Instagram 
District Club Challenge Results